Monday, February 18, 2013

Overseas Radio and Television

Today we got the opportunity to go to ORTV (overseas radio and television) and meet the director and founder of the organization. ORTV is a radio station, television channel, and magazine. The purpose of the company is to teach people English (not only in Taiwan but other Chinese natives all over the world). Doris Brougham (the founder) first came to Taiwan in the 1940's and started ORTV which is a faith based company. Christians from all over the world work at ORTV and it was a great experience to see how teaching English could be such a ministry. After a morning meeting with the whole studio (and a time of worship as a group) we got a tour of the facility and got to see different photo studios and recording studios. Sarah and I got pulled aside and were asked to join the radio to help discuss a three day topic on how America is trying to improve hospitals. The radio broadcast does not air until May so we were able to cut and start again if we messed up (helped us relax more knowing this!). It was a 3 piece segment each about 20-25 minutes. We talked through the article and were able to share our hospital experiences in America and Taiwan and talk through health care issues. The radio program is built off of the magazine. Readers (trying to learn English) read the article and then the radio hosts talk about the article and read through it. Sarah and I had to talk slow, enunciate words, and explain uncommon words if we used them.  It was definitely an unexpected experience but very fun! Never thought I would be on the radio in Taiwan broadcasting to people all over the world!
 Sarah in the recording studio!
Getting ready to record!

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