Sunday, February 17, 2013

One Week Down!

Friday February 15, 2013
Officially been in Taiwan one week! I was able to do hospital rotations on the psychiatric unit, medical ICU, emergency department, and cardiac unit! Was it everything I hoped and dreamed it would be? YES. My nurse in the MICU who I worked with was a great example of the type of nurse I want to be! She completed every task in a timely manner, provided amazing patient care, gave the best and most clean bed baths I have ever seen, and was very intelligent. She let me do most of the tasks and take the lead on various things. The ICU doctors was so kind and informed me of any "cool" tasks that needed to be done and explained different procedures and diagnoses to me. The doctor-nurse relationship is very different here then America. I'm not saying all the doctors in America are mean but almost every doctor here truly respects the nurses here and maintain a positive relationship with them. The ED was a fast paced environment where it was really cool to see how everyone works together and how smoothly things flow. A lot of young doctors and nurses worked in the ED so it was fun just talking about life, school, and work with them and hearing about the similarities and differences between the two countries. Lastly, the cardiac unit! My most favorite system of the body! There wasn't a dull moment on the cardiac unit! I wasn't assigned any patients but just floated with a nurse to help other nurses. At the beginning of the day we got a list of blood draws, IV's, foley's, ect of things the nurses needed done! It was a good learning opportunity and a great time to humble myself and learn how to use some of their different equipment and learn their techniques. It's only week one and I'm learning so much and loving the hospital here!
Some of our group! 
 Alice in the MICU (:
 Cardiac <3
Lastly Friday we ended the week off by touring Mackay Memorial Hospital. It was great to go tour a different hospital, especially a faith based hospital. A lot of their vision and mission is to provide holistic care and it meet the patients physical and spiritual needs. They gave us a tour of one of the pediatric floors and the NICU unit. The doctors and nurses went around and explained different diagnosis's and we got to see a lot of tiny CUTE little babies! Although it is sad the babies are in the NICU it made my heart full being around the babies! The Machay Hospital has four different campuses throughout Taiwan. They focus on the indigenous people of Taiwan and send missionaries to Thailand and other near by countries. The hospital is doing amazing things in Taiwan and in other countries! 
 "Christ is the cornerstone"
Great to see scripture throughout the hospital!

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