Sunday, February 17, 2013

Bloody tourists....

I always wonder why in America the Asians are always in the way and don't know what they are doing...well it's because they don't know what they are doing. When I get back to Seattle I am going to have so much more grace for tourists because now I am that tourist who walks around like an idiot and always in the way. Saturday we went to the National Palace Museum. Personally I was exhausted from the week and thought the outside of the museum was a lot cooler then the inside. Some of the artifacts in the museum were cool but a lot were the same and it was SO crowded. So a lot of us quickly walked through it and enjoyed the sunshine outside and looking around at the cool buildings.
Halani and Kalie doing handstands! 
 Gorgeous view!
Lastly, we ended the day going to the jade market. I'm personally not a big fan of jade and all of the stuff was overpriced but I bought some beads with the girls to make bracelets. After a long day I wasn't in the mood for searching for different jewelry and being in a massive market with pretty much the same stuff. 
Sunday all we had to do was go to church (thankfully!). I needed a day to relax! So after church we went to McDonalds and got french fries and went to starbucks and got coffee (: Our little American treat! We went back to the dorms and watching A Walk to Remember and made our bracelets! 

Our bracelets we made! (photo compliments of Halani!)

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