Friday, February 22, 2013

How do you pray?

Friday February 22
We had our last and final day at ORTV. We started the morning off by educating the staff about proper ergonomics in the work place. We performed comical skit that taught the staff how to prevent injuries in the work place and stretches they can do while at their desk. We used simple English words and talked slowly. The professors warned us if they didn't laugh not to be offended because usually the audience doesn't laugh because they don't want to offend you. The staff members were very interactive and laughed, which helped us relax more!
Today my task was to help write some of the talk show recordings and to help record some! The point of the talk show is to reuse English words so students listening to the radio can hear the new words in a different context. At the beginning of the day we wrote the scripts and then ended the day by recording them! Marco (the producer) said, "You girls like Hollywood, stop work at hospital, come work at ORTV." He definitely boosted our confidence but we just laughed and said we would stick with nursing. The staff at ORTV were amazing and so much fun to work with!
 In the recording studio! The red light is on! Recording time!
Where it all happens! Marco is amazing at his job!

After ORTV we headed to "Friday Night Live" (FNL an event run by ORTV). FNL is a bible study in English. A couple hundred people normally turn out for the bible study and most are not Christian. Many people come to FNL to improve their English. FNL is for all ages and the environment is so positive and energetic. After a game and worship Halani, Kalie and I went to an "advanced" bible study of about 15 people. The bible study groups range from youth, newcomers, beginner English to advanced. Our bible study was all in English and we went through the story of Jonah and how we must be obedient to God. At the end of the study a lot of people had questions and were asking questions like, "How do we get to know God more" and "how can I be more obedient". When we were getting ready to leave Kalie, Halani and I talked to this young couple (23 and 21yrs old). Kalie asked if we could pray for them because the girls grandpa was sick and she is taking care of him. She asked us, "How do you pray?" I was taken back for a second because I assumed she had gone to the bible study before but it was only her second time. I told her there is no special way but I like to fold my hands and close my eyes and just talk to God. We were able to lay hands on her and pray for her and her grandpa. It was a touching experience and was so blessed to pray with her and her boyfriend. Due to our busy schedule we aren't able to go back to FNL but blessed by the friendships we made in one night! Thank you facebook! It was a long Friday and we didn't get home til 10:30pm but it was worth it!

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